Solar Heat Recovery Heating and Ventilation Unit
In heating applications, ENGESOLARBOX® systems achieve a maximum efficiency level of around 60-80%, depending on the space and area. The most important benefit is that a wide range of air flow rates with high performance can be achieved. Special R&D production can be made according to the need. This device can meet the need for heating and ventilation at the same time.
Product Model | AIGK |
Air Flow Rate | 1.000 - 10.000 m³/h.ad. |
Total Fan Power | 1-8 kW |
Maximum Sound Power Level | 78 dBA |
Heating Source | is found in |
Heating Power | 1,5-90 kW |
Dust Particle Trap Filter | is found in |
Frequency Inverter | is found in |
Energy Recovery | is found in |
100% Fresh Air | is found in |
Proportional Working | is found in |
Mixture Air | is found in |
Reference values for calculations;
- Operating temperature = 20 °C
- Air flow rate = 10.000 m³/h
Turkey-wide climate data were taken.
“Environmental, Carbon-Free and Quality Life with the World's Most Natural Heating and Ventilation Systems”
Renewable Energy
Green Environment
Fuel Savings
Clean Environment
Less CO₂ Emissions
Healthy Living
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